[watch this summer:mono in eclipse ide , microsoft look out ]
Read more at eclipse-wiki.info/Googl...
Programmer 4 life
[watch this summer:mono in eclipse ide , microsoft look out ]
Read more at eclipse-wiki.info/Googl...
[I like their response to apple, Maybe i should install darwin on my quemu machine one day , for testing firebird/flamerobin]
Read more at sourceforge.net/forum/f...
[ED: time to install it on reea.net server :Mozilla officially approved the StartCom Certification Authority and is scheduled to be included at the next release of Firefox and Thunderbird.]
Read more at cert.startcom.org/?lang...
[Linux Driver Developer kit cd released , nice that there is now included a book on the cd :Linux Device Drivers 3rd edition]
Read more at www.kroah.com/log/2006/...
[Me at the guerrillas concert:Guerrillas Fight!]
Read more at withfullforce.ovihost.c...
I will present an small howto compile and install perl6 and parrotvm on an ubuntu dapper
machine. I followed this howto with small corrections when the build/install went astray
http://dresden-pm.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/PM/PugsFirstBloodEnglishsvn co https://svn.perl.org/parrot/trunk parrot
cd parrot
perl Configure.pl --prefix=/opt/parrot
step auto::gcc died during execution: Linker failed (see test.ldo) at lib/Parrot/Configure/Step.pm line 365
Parrot::Configure::Step::cc_build() called at config/auto/gcc.pm line 36
'Parrot::Configure=HASH(0x826970c)') called at lib/Parrot/Configure.pm
line 239
eval {...} called at lib/Parrot/Configure.pm line 235
Parrot::Configure::runsteps('Parrot::Configure=HASH(0x826970c)') called at Configure.pl line 443
sudo apt-get install ghc6
view test.ldo
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/c++
perl Configure.pl --prefix=/opt/parrot
sudo make install
It's time now for perl6 compiler (aka pugs)
svn co http://svn.perl.org/perl6/pugs/trunk pugs
cd pugs
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libperl-dev
export PUGS_EMBED="perl5 parrot"
export PARROT_PATH=${HOME}/path/to/src/parrot/
perl Makefile.PL
time make
sudo make install
pugs -e '"What say you?".say;'
pugs -e ' "What".say."You";'
unexpected "\""
expecting ".", subroutine name, array subscript, hash subscript or code subscript
at -e line 1, column 13
[FaCe asked me about one small program to draw circuit diagrams , well gEDA is only for linux so ... i pointed him to this one]
Read more at tinycad.sourceforge.net...
[I agree he should replace bush ;)]
Read more at pieceoplastic.com/index...
I was screaming with alex on each contrywho voted with "The finland"
FSCK the pop musicand FSCK "capshunarii" who voted with bad music
Yah big surprise Romanians from Spain , France,Portugal,GB voted with ...that lame romanian singer (I thought it was an vampire or something dead - it was so white and pale)
If you wan't to know why the metal reprensents the Finland think of few rock , heavy metal/melodic bands:nightwish , HIM, Apocalyptica http://musicmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Finland/Bands_and_Artists/
And the eurovision wanted to ban the rock from contest - That was the revenge of the Heavy Metal . They won , they were different
Read more at roxulici.blogspot.com/2...
[time to patch our hosting servers ;) ]
Read more at www.apache.org/dist/htt...
[Did i told you that apple is irellevant ? yah propietarry crapp]
Read more at arstechnica.com/news.ar...
[why apple sux again ]
Read more at blogs.zdnet.com/Murphy/...
[old news : p4 architecture sucks ;) , the other interesting thing is about gpus - they look more and more like an rendering farm with many risc like cpus for shading ...etc]
Read more at www.nvnews.net/vbulleti...
[cpu benchmarks done right ,not like on tom's pabsters "hardware"]
Read more at www.digit-life.com/arti...
[start your own search engine nutch]
Read more at wiki.apache.org/nutch/G...
[great now i can install it on my dapper drake
sudo apt-get -t dapper install sun-java5-jdk...The following extra packages will be installed: sun-java5-bin sun-java5-demo sun-java5-jre unixodbcSuggested packages: sun-java5-doc sun-java5-source sun-java5-plugin ia32-sun-java5-plugin sun-java5-fonts libmyodbc odbc-postgresql libct1Recommended packages: gsfonts-x11The following NEW packages will be installed sun-java5-bin sun-java5-demo sun-java5-jdk sun-java5-jre unixodbc...
Read more at blogs.sun.com/roller/pa...
[I will test tomorrow the web2 notebook ]
Read more at www.silentpenguin.com/a...
[From Kill the Beast Dept : if other tactics don't work try to intimidate them ]
Read more at www.computerworld.com/a...
[When plaing monopoly with Microsoft I guess is easy to forget the penguins, I think the AMD's customer/client in this case is Microsoft and the bios - (that appendix of the x86 evolution) is closed source , guess what :they don't care about other os-es]
Read more at linuxdevices.com/news/N...
[yah flash sux on linux , doesn't work on 64bit machines, there is no version 8.x for ubuntu ...die macromedia die ...]
Read more at 0xdf.com/?p=49