The best way to try is to install hardy , or debian lenny in kvm-linux or virtualbox and then try the instructions bellow
Official 0.0.1 project news and downloads are located here
You might need some packages first
$sudo apt-get install bin86 kvm qemu gcc build-essential
$tar -zxvf linux-0.01-rm-3.5.tar.gz
$cd linux-0.01-rm-3.5
or time make
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mariuz/linux-0.01-rm-3.5/lib'
ld -s -x -M -Ttext 0 -e startup_32 boot/head.o init/main.o \
kernel/kernel.o mm/mm.o fs/fs.o \
lib/lib.a \
-o tools/system >
(echo -n "SYSSIZE = (";stat -c%s tools/system \
| tr '\012' ' '; echo "+ 15 ) / 16") > tmp.s
cat boot/boot.s >> tmp.s
as86 -0 -o boot/boot.o tmp.s
00286 /*
00287 * This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so
00288 * that we enter the kernel in a known state, and
00289 * don't have to worry about it later.
00290 */
00286 /*
00287 * This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so
00288 * that we enter the kernel in a known state, and
00289 * don't have to worry about it later.
00290 */
rm -f tmp.s
ld86 -0 -s -o boot/boot boot/boot.o
gcc -Wall -O -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector \
-o tools/build tools/build.c
#chmem +65000 tools/build
objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment tools/system tools/system.bin
tools/build boot/boot tools/system.bin > Image
Boot sector 452 bytes.
System 89732 bytes.
real 0m4.512s
user 0m3.696s
sys 0m0.768s
then rename Image to linux0.01-3.5.img
qemu -hdb hd_oldlinux.img -fda linux0.01-3.5.img -boot a
you must use the hd image from here if you don't have it yet