[You can listen the radio on windows and linux with the peercast client , Here is what i did on ubuntu
Step 1:sudo apt-get install peercast xmms
Step 2:
mkdir /opt/peercast
vi /opt/peercast/peercast-enqueue-in-xmms.pl
with this content
my $args = shift;
$args =~ /peercast:\/\/pls\/(\w*)/;
my $regex = $1;exec("xmms --enqueue \"$regex\"")]
step 3: open the strem from the link bellow (peer cast url)
/opt/peercast/peercast-enqueue-in-xmms.pl peercast://pls/7EF82525BFB749F098053BB37E81AA0B?tip=
Read more at www.fanfest.ro/2k6/inde...