Monday, December 08, 2014

Firebird 3.0 Beta 1 release is available for testing

Firebird Project announces the first Beta release of Firebird 3.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.

This Beta release demonstrates the features and improvements currently under development by the Firebird development team. Our users are appreciated giving it a try and providing feedback to the development mailing list. Apparent bugs can be reported directly to the bugtracker.

Beta releases are not encouraged for production usage or any other goals that require a stable system. They are, however, recommended for those users who want to help in identifying issues and bottlenecks thus allowing to progress faster through the Beta/RC stages towards the final release.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Beta release.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Node.JS and Firebird driver (node-firebird-libfbclient) installing on Amazon EC2 instance

Here are the notes on Installing node.js module for firebird
I assume Firebird was installed from source or from tar.gz and in a linux instance

tar -zxvf node-v4.6.0.tar.gz
cd  node-v4.6.*
sudo make install

Next is time to install the firebird module (Firebird was installed from source in /opt/firebird2.5.x)

git clone git://
cd node-firebird-lib
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/firebird2.5.x/binfbclient/

npm -g install

create firebird db and test table in /tmp/nodedb.fdb with isql or isql-fb

SQL>CREATE DATABASE "localhost:/tmp/nodedb.fdb" user 'SYSDBA' password '*********';
SQL> create generator gen_test_id;
SQL> SET GENERATOR gen_test_id TO 10;
SQL> set term !! ;
CON> if (NEW.ID is NULL) then NEW.ID = GEN_ID(GEN_TEST_ID, 1);
SQL> set term ; !!

Then write the test.js script to connect to it

var fb = require("firebird");
sys = require("sys");
var con = fb.createConnection();
con.querySync("insert into test (name) values ('new one')");
var res = con.querySync("select * from test");
var rows = res.fetchSync("all",true);
view raw test.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

you can observe that the id is auto incremented if you run it multiple time

node test.js 
[ { ID: 5, NAME: 'new one' },
  { ID: 11, NAME: 'new one' },
  { ID: 12, NAME: 'new one' },
  { ID: 13, NAME: 'new one' },
  { ID: 14, NAME: 'new one' } ]

also in the name you can put later the
browser or the ip in one of the columns

We build now the version for the web modifying the hello world version adding the firebird database glue

var http = require('http');
var fb = require("firebird");
sys = require("sys");
var con = fb.createConnection();
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
con.querySync("insert into test (name) values ('new one')");
var result = con.querySync("select * from test order by id desc rows 1 to 10");
var rows = result.fetchSync("all",true);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Last 10 inserts:'+sys.inspect(rows)+'\n');
console.log('Server running on *:8080');

you can run it with
 node firebird_example.js

Rails On Firebird - status and follow the guide

Rails On Firebird - you need to check that Firebird active record adapter and ruby driver are installed
Install Rails 4.x :
 gem install rails
Generate a new Firebird Rails application
rails new firebird_app 
delete the generated database.yml sqlite config and use the one from bellow
Be aware about indentation
cat config/database.yml

# Firebird 2.x database
adapter: fb
database: /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/rubyonfire.fdb
username: sysdba
password: masterkey
host: localhost
create: true
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
adapter: fb
database: /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/rubyonfire_test.fdb
username: sysdba
password: masterkey
host: localhost
create: true
adapter: fb
database: /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/rubyonfire_production.fdb
username: sysdba
password: masterkey
host: localhost
create: true
view raw database.yml hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Edit the project Gemfile and add the activerecord-fb-adapter gem:
gem 'activerecord-fb-adapter'
Then run:
bundle update
 rails generate scaffold Client name:string address:string email:string remark:text
  rake db:migrate
I have re-read the ruby guide
so i did these commands while following the official guide
rake db:create
but database was already created in flamerobin
script/generate controller home index
vi app/views/home/index.html.erb
and write something there, start the server with
rails s
and now you can see something in browser

I have created the table and one sequence in firebird db
name VARCHAR(255),
title VARCHAR(255),
content VARCHAR(255),
timestamps timestamp

I have ran the scaffold again to generate the posts model/view/controller
script/generate scaffold Post name:string title:string content:text
and then
started the server
rails s

Of course I have modified the route and added an link as in tutorial and now i can add and modify blog posts
note: in new rails route is defined this way in config/routes.rb
map.root :controller => "home"


Follow the normal ActiveRecord conventions for table names, primary key columns, etc. The one “extra” you’ll need for Firebird is that you’ll have to create a generator for any tables that require a sequence-based primary key. The default naming convention is TABLENAME_SEQ. So if you have a users table, you would need to create a corresponding USERS_SEQ generator

You don't need to create before insert triggers ! rails reads the value from sequence and then increments it in ruby code, Yay!

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Installing Android x86 4.4 on my eeepc with qemu

In fact is an re-install , i had 4.3 in dual boot with debian sid on my eeepc and i wanted to do an upgrade , the issue is that i don't have a usb stick to boot from it so i took another route

I have installed qemu and then downloaded the 4.4 iso from android x86 site and started this way to detect partitions on the main drive

qemu -boot d -cdrom android-x86-4.4-RC2.iso -hda /dev/sda

 format the partition already prepared in my case 15G /dev/sda4 also do not install grub if you want to modify it manually from debian partition

 After the install is finished you need to test it first that it works i mount /dev/sda4 to see the dir structure
mount /dev/sda4 /mnt
ls /mnt/
android-4.4-RC2  lost+found

so i have modified /etc/grub.d/40_custom this way
 menuentry "Android-x86 4.4" {
set root=(hd0,4) linux /android-4.4-RC2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=eeepc acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode SRC=/android-4.4-RC2 DATA= initrd /android-4.4-RC2/initrd.img

sudo update-grub2

 and restart choose the new android version

Monday, May 19, 2014

Fire Ruby - howto start with Firebird and Ruby on Ubuntu / Debian

This howto is about installing firebird ruby driver on Ubuntu or any Debian based distro
you might need some firebird dependencies and if you need the stable Firebird server  Firebird 2.5 guide to install it

The very basic firebird package to build only the driver is firebird2.5-dev

sudo apt-get install firebird2.5-dev git-core
and choose yes when asked
Then you need to install ruby and the recommended rails way is to use rbenv 

rbenv install 2.1.2
rbenv global 2.1.2
ruby -v
Best way is to install it from gem

gem install fb

Alternate way  is to build install our gem (latest build-able is located here )

git clone
cd fb/
gem build fb.gemspec

You will get something like this in terminal :
 Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: fb
  Version: 0.*.*
  File: fb-0.*.*.gem

Now is time to install it using the gem command

gem install fb-0.*.*.gem

Please read the README.
here is how i tested on my machine

Here is part of the example i ran on my pc

pico test.rb 
require 'fb'
include Fb
# The Database class acts as a factory for Connections.
# It can also create and drop databases.
db =
:database => "localhost:/tmp/readme.fdb",
:username => 'sysdba',
:password => 'masterkey')
# :database is the only parameter without a default.
# Let's connect to the database, creating it if it doesn't already exist.
conn = db.connect rescue db.create.connect
# We'll need to create the database schema if this is a new database.
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST (ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(20))") if !conn.table_names.include?("TEST")
# Let's insert some test data using a parameterized query. Note the use of question marks for place holders.
10.times {|id| conn.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (?, ?)", id, "John #{id}") }
# Here we'll conduct a spot check of the data we have just inserted.
ary = conn.query("SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID = 0 OR ID = 9")
ary.each {|row| puts "ID: #{row[0]}, Name: #{row[1]}" }
view raw test.rb hosted with ❤ by GitHub

And here are the results for my ruby test
ruby test.rb 
ID: 0, Name: John 0
ID: 9, Name: John 9

What is next class ? RoR on Firebird

Monday, March 31, 2014

Compiling Linux Kernel Vanilla - Ubuntu/Debian way

Here is my guide on Compiling x.xx.x Vanilla Final - Ubuntu/Debian using the Debian way

This article is about compiling a kernel on Ubuntu systems. It describes how to build a custom kernel using the latest unmodified kernel sources from (vanilla kernel) so that you are independent from the kernels supplied by your distribution.
Install the Required packages for building it
apt-get install git-core kernel-package fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev
Then download latest kernel version
cd /usr/src
sudo su 
wget --continue
tar jxvf linux-*.*.*.tar.bz2
cd linux-*.*.*

$ cp /boot/config-`uname -r` ./.config
$ make menuconfig

make-kpkg clean
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-vanillaice kernel_image kernel_headers
cd ..
dpkg -i linux-image-*.*.*
dpkg -i linux-headers-*.*.*
sudo shutdown -r now

you can install the headers too from /usr/src/linux-headers-3.*.*-*
in my case i can show you how the packages are named
ls *.deb

I also created a python script

that can be used like this
git clone
cd kernelcompile
sudo ./

Friday, March 14, 2014

php5 and firebird pdo on ubuntu / debian

The recommendd method is to use the official php5 source from ubuntu or debian and build only the pdo firebird extension and install it
sudo apt-get install php5-dev firebird2.5-dev php-pear devscripts debget

You need to build the pdo extension from php from ubuntu source code here is the source for php package (apt-get source will do the job for any release)
apt-get source php5
cd php5-*
cd ext/pdo_firebird
sudo ln -s /usr/include/php5 /usr/include/php
sudo make install 

Check to have in php.ini to have the next lines also with phpinfo() function

sudo pico/vi /etc/php5/conf.d/pdo.ini
# configuration for php PDO module

php -i | grep PDO
PDO support => enabled
PDO drivers => firebird
PDO Driver for Firebird/InterBase => enabled

you can also check in apache if all is correct
by creating a page in /var/www/pdo_info.php
with this content

view raw pdo_info.php hosted with ❤ by GitHub

then in the browser press F3 and search PDO
to check if all is ok with the driver then create one small example that loads the driver and then is connecting to the database server

$dbh = new PDO($str_conn, "sysdba", "masterkey");

after the driver is loaded now you can use the pdo as usual , here is the fetch example

$connection = new PDO($str_conn, "sysdba", "masterkey");
$sql = 'select count(*) from employee';
$count = $connection->query($sql);
print_r ($count->fetch());