Friday, May 11, 2007

I finished my biography for eliberatica 2007 where i will do an firebird/flamerobin presentation

1998-2001 Automation with specialization Industrial and automation IT (University Petru Maior Tg-Mures)

2002-2005 Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Faculty of Sciences and Letters Department of Petru Maior University, Tg-Mures)
I Live and work in Targu Mures Romania . Currently employed at as programmer and sys admin , In my free time i do Firebird/Flamerobin advocacy .
I started programming in High school where i played with TurboPascal under Dos and
created an program similar with paintbrush .
My first real job was at where i had first contact with Interbase/firebird and
Delphi (a real fast rad tool) . Firebird is quite powerful and impressed me with it's simplicity , also i learned about it's inner workings from printed documentation and playing with isql (command line tool).
One day i installed the redhat 6.0 on my workstation and started to learn Perl , After a while i went to where i worked with :firebird,perl,delphi,mysql . I wanted this
way to escape the Windows only world and to learn more about linux ,php and perl.
I had an short period and worked for an Microsoft's partner ( where i learned
this cool language named C# and did some delphi , c++ programming (dcom,com+) and
javascript . On my second partition i had redhat installed and next to me was an solaris machine. Cygwin was an too helped me in that period.
From Jan 2004 until now , i'm working at located in Tirgu-Mures
- Developed a large range of Web based applications for small/medium organizations in PHP and Perl
- Administration for hosting servers and internal ones and support services for external clients (tomcat, apache, sendmail , qmail , postfix , all open source technologies)
- Technologies used: Perl, Bash, PHP, MySQL, Postgresql, openldap, mono, Firebird database
Hobbies : open source programming (c++,php,oopascal), traveling , Firebird/Linux advocacy , biking

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