Friday, September 11, 2009

debtree-next - better #Firebird package dependecies graphs in #debian #ubuntu

Inspired by the new dbtree from git now you can do a clean graph for the packages in debian and ubuntu

$ git clone git://
Here is the graph for installed files for firebird2.1-classic

$ ./debtree --no-recommends --no-conflicts -I -S firebird2.1-classic >
$ dot -T png -o out.png

Here is the graph for installed files for firebird2.1-supper
$ ./debtree --no-recommends --no-conflicts -I -S firebird2.1-super >
$ dot -T png -o super_out.png

Now you can do reverese dependency graph , here is the example for libselinux1 if you dare to remove it

$ ./debtree -I -R --no-recommends --no-conflicts libselinux1 > libselinux.out
$ dot -T png -o libselinux.png libselinux.out
$ gwenview .

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