Wednesday, February 18, 2015

CodeIgniter 3 (php framework) includes support for Firebird

The Userguide of Codeigniter 3 (still Release Candidate) mentions that now has support for Firebird:
Added Interbase / Firebird database support via the ibase driver.
This means that the installation package CI 3 includes it, although you could previously use Firebird in CodeiIgniter 2 by the driver developed by Carlos García ( ) .

 We are very happy that CodeIgniter 3 integrates support for Firebird,  In fact CodeIgniter is a stable platform where I (albringas)'ve done developments and with very good results.

To see the rest of the new features of CodeIgniter 3 these are the addresses:

I also put the direction of an article I wrote about using Firebird with CodeIgniter 2, in my blog: 

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