You can install the new version and you don't need to wait another 6 months to be included
in next Ubuntu release
if you have an "old" stable lazarus 0.9.24
you can install/upgrade to latest stable by using
the official lazarus repository
In my case i created an getlazarus bash script with this content
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 6A11800F
gpg --export 6A11800F | apt-key add -
echo "deb lazarus-stable universe" \
apt-get update
apt-get install lazarus
$chmod +x getlazarus
$sudo ./getlazarus
also you must be sure to have te fpc source so here is how i usually install
sudo apt-get install fp-units-db fp-units-gfx fp-units-gnome1 fp-units-misc fp-units-net fpc-source fp-compiler fp-docs fp-utils lazarus

then start it with
$lazarus-ide in console or from the menu
Applications -> Programming -> Lazarus

To update all free pascal related packages from the new repository (I had old fpc2.2.0 and lazarus from intrepid repository)
$sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
In my case I got this message
The following packages will be upgraded:
fp-compiler fp-docs fp-ide fp-units-base fp-units-db fp-units-fcl
fp-units-fv fp-units-gfx fp-units-gnome1 fp-units-gtk fp-units-gtk2
fp-units-misc fp-units-multimedia fp-units-net fp-units-rtl fp-utils fpc
fpc-source lazarus-doc lazarus-ide lazarus-src
What is next ? Try to use it with firebird
And seems that works without problems.

1 comment:
Superb your explanation.
I tried lots of time to update from lazarus 2-4 to 2.6., impossible...
But with your clear help, i get it.
Many thanks.
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