Thursday, April 30, 2009

Works very nice with an dark theme like ubuntu studio

Originally uploaded by Makir
I use it kubuntu but can be used in any dark themed ubuntu

maybe in the evil edition too

Friday, April 24, 2009

prezentare_ubuntu 9.04

Lansare Ubuntu 9.04 in cadrul Comunitatii Linux din Targu Mures 

Comunitatea Linux ( din Targu Mures va invita la lansarea Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jack)

unde se vor prezenta noutatile aduse in noua versiune si proiectele comunitatii locale din Targu Mures. Se pot aduce laptopuri sau calculatoare pentru instalari (stick-uri usb)

Intalnirea va avea loc in data de 25 Aprilie ora 11.00 AM

locatia va fi Restaurantul Asteri Strada Postei nr.1 ( pentru mai multe informatii)

Evenimentul este sponsorizat de 

Lista de prezentari

Ca invitati speciali il avem pe Adi Roiban ( ), Marius Popa ( , Emil Cheriches (

1.Se vor prezenta cu lista de lucruri noi aduse in noul Ubuntu Compiz 0.8.2 , Linux Kernel 2.6.28.x, Kde 4.2.2, Gnome 2.26.1 intr-un top cu imbunatatiri si schimbari majore inspirate din notitele de lansare si alte articole 
2.Schimbari pe partea de server (Emil Cheriches) 

3.Adi Roiban va vorbi mai mult despre comunitate în general, despre localizare (progres-ul pe partea aceasta) și

software-ul liber în România(GSL, lug-uri, rosedu) și va prezenta realizările Grupului

pentru software liber și al echipei Ubuntu România precum si noutatile din Gnome (
4.Compiz si efecte grafice 3D – prezentare noutati in compiz 0.8.2  si nexuiz 2.5  

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ubuntu Release Jaunty Jack Party in Targu Mures

The page is here

The lug page with more info is here

The announcement in Hungarian language is here
And yes we are on front page on

Other notes:
There is a note on infoms website ,
Realitatea TV will post the news about the release maybe some team members will be there too , Adi Roiban confirmed

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

reached to Using the Users Service on google app engine tutorial

well is quite easy to follow the google app engine tutorial
now i'm on step Using the Users Service

sun set

insert into oracle aquisitions values("sun");
delete from sun;
select * from sun ; Empty set (0.00 sec)
drop table sun;

solving pidgin bug of the day on windows

There is an pidgin + yahoo known bug on windows xp/vista
Here is how i solved , choose the yahoo japan or try to find an server that works and put in the yahoo server configuration area

telnet 5050
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

linux 2.6.30 rc3 on ubuntu jaunty for 32 bits and cloudbook

wow #linux #kernel 2.6.30 rc3 #rocks on my #cloudbook , wireless signal is at #100% at last
and 855.840 FPS in glxgears and i can play prboom on the plane/moxytaxy
there is an new repository blessed by the kernel team
you can download the deb files from there

and download with wget or by browser

the from the terminal
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
reboot and let's see the kernel bugs

use db wrappers in php don't write to mysql only

well pdo in php is very buggy , in fact i call it buggy as hell ,
I would recommend to use an stable wrapper around ibase/mysql functions
the one from cakephp is very well done you can find them in the cake
php source code

also there is mdb2 with an good firebird/ibase driver

also i have seen the adodb for php

Friday, April 17, 2009

kvm , synergy, x forward and ssh

I have an idea on how two or more computers should work for me
For example I have two computers foo and bar with two monitors and two keyboards two mices
and i want to use only one mouse and one keyboard for both

on each the task should be started with kvm like virtualization and so i can cross the mouse from one pc to another like the synergy , but also with the help of xforward i could pass the windows from one pc to another also i wish the processes can be migrated from one machine to another (to have an migrate to machine in the menu )

it's done for full virtual machines so it should be possible for single processes

foo <-> migrate window/process <-> bar

linux 2.6.30 rc2 on ubuntu jaunty for 64 bits and nvidia issues

linux 2.6.30 rc2 on ubuntu jaunty for 64 bits

there is an new repository blessed by the kernel team
you can download the deb files from there

and download with wget or by browser

the from the terminal
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
reboot and let's see the kernel bugs , if you are "lucky" to have an nvidia video card
then you need to patch the nvidia driver so it can compile

$sudo su
# sh --extract-only
# cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.44-pkg2/usr/src/nv/
# patch -p0 < nvidia-x86_64-180.44-2.6.30-rc2.patch
# cd ../../../
# ./nvidia-installer

arora 0.6 on ubuntu jaunty

here is how installed on my station

you need to add my repository to /etc/apt/sources.list
then do an apt-get install arora

$ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariuz.list
or use pico
$ sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariuz.list

deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main

$ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver ea316a2f8d6bd55554c23f680be6d09eef648708
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install arora

What next ?
try some acid3 test or some css3 selectors one
Round divs are cool

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fixing the gwibber and twitter issues in jaunty

For jaunty and twitter gwibber gives 'HTTP error 400: bad request' for twitter accounts

so i need to use daily ppa for gwibber

$ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 06d1ed00eb802a66640696c8d0aff96872d340a3
$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gwibberdaily.list


deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

but now i have another issue but fixable (re enter your accounts passwords)

HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
komodo edit install instructions on my ubuntu x64
Download Komodo-Edit-5.1.1-3355-linux-libcpp6-x86_64.tar.gz from this page
$tar zxf Komodo-Edit-5.1.1-3355-linux-libcpp6-x86_64.tar.gz
cd Komodo-Edit-5.1.1-3355-linux-libcpp6-x86_64/
$ ./

[read and then Enter]
or create an symlink to it (that is my home dir, use yours)

sudo ln -s "/home/mariuz/Komodo-Edit-5/bin/komodo" /usr/local/bin/komodo
$ komodo

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

now we have another option in jaunty qtcreator with qt 4.5 for choosing an c++ ide

$sudo apt-get install qt-creator qt4-dev-tools

And qtcreator 1.1 is on the way

for compiling an simple webkit app
sudo apt-get install libqt4-webkit-dbg
and i had to add QT=+webkit

Monday, April 13, 2009

installing windmill is easy in ubuntu

$ wget
$ sudo python
$ sudo easy_install windmill
$ windmill shell firefox

you can start record the test and after that do play
also you can save the source for python test to modify it later

Saturday, April 11, 2009

arora 0.5 and qt 4.5 in debian experimental

i'm typing this from an arora 0.5 with qt 4.5 and debian experimental
how did i installed it ?
i installed from stable then dist-upgraded to testing and then
here is how my sources.list looks like
cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb unstable main non-free contrib
deb-src unstable main non-free
deb experimental main non-free
deb-src experimental main non-free
# aptitude update
# aptitude install -t experimental arora
my next thing is to build the 0.6 on it :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

my road to #gwibber on #kubuntu #jaunty

$ sudo apt-get install gwibber

No module named glade in # # when launching #

$ sudo install python-gtk2-dev

another issue with # and # # :couldn't communicate with gnome keyring daemon via dbus

posting this from # on my # # after starting $ gnome-keyring-daemon &

Thursday, April 09, 2009

twittrolution (aka Moldova twitter revolution 2.0 )
Television is dead and it doesn't work for informing the people , it's more like an goverment tool in Moldova , Romania had the same fate before '89 revolution

Today I had got the analogy related to floss fight against monopoly and the red wing world institution called Microsoft (software company relique from '80)

Look at Ubuntu they have to fight the same F.U.D war and pr sharks like the Ghandi 2.0 type revolution that happens in Moldova

It's amazing if you go in states that is US of America and at Best Buy shop you only can shop for Windows operating systems and that is called Choice in the Country of Freedom

The same i invite you to the dell store and try to buy an dell vostro with hard drive and choose Ubuntu ... If you can .. well you cann't, Also search on for an decent netbook with hard drive (hint 120-160G) well all is with xp and only the low end maybe it is with ubtnubu or other version of linux

That is why all your machines are with windows , if you want an decent configuration you must choose or you are served with vista or worse ...

That is amazing ubuntu still after that injust fight got something like 30% of netbook marked world wide

Think of what would happen if you had the choice on Dell website to choose between Ubuntu and *BSD or Macosx

So this is what we have Monopoly = Communims = Microsoft = Iexplorer = Viruses
Free Maket = Democracy = Ubuntu , FreeBSD , OsX ..=Firefox, WebKit = Stuff that works

Ubuntu revolution is on twitter and also on forums blogs and youtube

Friday, April 03, 2009

so i'm not the only one that observed that Microsoft is an empty company inside

Microsoft, on the other hand, doesn’t deserve to get Twitter. Microsoft has totally screwed up its online branding and search. It’s pretty incompetent in those areas and has been for years. Yeah, I know that Microsoft has thousands of employees who’ll call me names on their blogs and yeah I know that Microsoft has thousands of fans, er, MVPs, who’ll tell you at length why I’m wrong.
But when I go around SXSW or Gnomedex or Northern Voice and ask people what they use from Microsoft I get blank stares. Microsoft has lost the Internet generation because they simply have not done anything interesting. Spending another $100 million on advertising is
Seems that scooble is using

Thursday, April 02, 2009

nginx load balancer config example
in my case nginx is in front of two servers (2 copy cats with the same files /php and configurations)
now nginx handles all the images and compression and sends all php and other requests to the other servers
so it can have an very basic config (no advanced modules enabled)

vi /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/balancer

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Best April Fools Day joke so far: PHP chooses the backslash as the namespace separator.

That is what I call a practical joke
lx network manager

if you don't want to use nm-applet then is better to try the lxde network manager

I wil see if can work with wireless

$ sudo apt-get install lxnm

by default if you install lxde by hand is not installed
so you have to do it manually