Thursday, September 16, 2010

Installing #ubuntustudio theme in #debian #sid or how i failed to do so

I hate that is not in the debian tree but here is howto install it (I'm obsessed about dark themes even on Windows nt at uni i was using hight contrast black everywhere : of course delphi was a little bit weird and the opera browser because some pages are not crafted to work in a dark env)

apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine murrine-themes
wget a lot of ubuntustudio related packages

and then i have downloaded other packages but in the end i failed
i even recompiled the ubuntustudio defaults deb but the collors weren't dark
so i used something from murrine and the images from ubuntu studio
so this is why forks fail you can't install back the packages made for ubuntu :(

but i discovered the ubuntu themes secret is murrine

so i will some of the themes there until i create the dark studio theme ... or something

apt-get install murrine-themes gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-nodoka shiki-colors arc-brave arc-colors arc-dust arc-human arc-illustrious arc-noble arc-wine

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